Huron Regional Medical Center

Summer 2013

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Summer • 2013 A PUBLICATION FROM YOUR FRIENDS AT HURON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Good Health At Any Age Women can experience very different health needs at different stages of their lives. Taking time out for an annual visit to a woman's health specialist can keep your health in balance – whether it's your first visit or fiftieth. "Women need to take care of their bodies, minds and spirits at every age, and annual women's health visits are an important part of that," says Sara Castellanos, DO, FACOOG, board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist at Women's WellnessCenter in Huron. "We are here to treat the full spectrum of a woman's needs throughout her life." All Ages inthisissue The New HRMC Clinic 3 Divas for a Day 4 No Excuses Mammo In Action 5 Bring It Home 8 "It's easy to focus on specific problems, so sometimes the foundational elements of health can get brushed to the side," says Dr. Castellanos. "Every woman should create a written health and wellness plan that addresses what is already going well and what she wants to improve in all the important aspects of her life." Sa ra Ca ste lla n os, D O Once major goals for optimizing nutritional, physical, mental and spiritual well-being have been identified, they can be broken down into small changes. Making a big "New Year's resolution" style goal rarely works, because it is not easily attainable. Identifying small, doable changes makes all the difference. Share your plan with your healthcare provider, and ask for suggestions. Post your plan somewhere you can see it every day early in the continues on page 2

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