Huron Regional Medical Center

Fall 2013

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Fall • 2013 A PUBLICATION FROM YOUR FRIENDS AT HURON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER + + Surgery Close to Home When it comes to surgery, comfort and convenience make a big difference. With a combined 300-plus years of professional experience, the surgical team at Huron Regional Medical Center provides local, personalized treatment to residents of the communities we serve. "Having surgery close to home alleviates the added time, stress and expense of traveling, and it gets patients back home where they can recover more quickly," says Cy Haatvedt, MD, a general surgeon at Tschetter & Hohm Clinic who has practiced with HRMC for nearly 20 years. "It also makes it easier for patients to follow up with their personal surgical team as needed. That's an important part of recovery, and having local care makes it much easier to provide the extra support patients need to thrive. A flexible environment and roundthe-clock emergency surgical support help us provide the care patients need – when it's convenient for them." The Care You Need + inthisissue + A Better View 3 Welcome Home, Dr. Jesse! 4 Tipping the Scale in the Right Direction 8 Cy Haatvedt, MD 5 How Far? The general surgery department at HRMC offers a broad range of procedures – including common surgeries such as colonoscopies, gallbladder surgery and hernia repair – and provides cancer care with a focus on treating cancers of the skin and breast. "Our treatment options for breast cancer are leading-edge," says John Robert, MD, FACS, a general surgeon with HRMC Physicians Clinic who joined the hospital earlier this year. "We offer mastectomy and breast conservation, a way of keeping more tissue intact when we remove cancer. Sentinel lymph node studies allow us to identify if breast cancer e Jo h n R o b rt, MD continued on page 2

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