Huron Regional Medical Center

Summer 2014

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+ + inthisissue From the CEO: Door No. 1 or Door No. 2? 2 Welcome New Internist and New Family Medicine Physician 3 Are Delayed Immunizations Safe? 4 Health Takes Center Stage at SD Women's Expo 5 continued on page 2 A PUBLICATION FROM YOUR FRIENDS AT HURON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Summer • 2014 Betty Sass with her 6-year-old grandson Jessie in one of several gardens she harvests and puts up. When busy grandmother and former nursing home caretaker Betty Sass, age 68, learned she had colorectal cancer, Huron Regional Medical Center was there for her. Joh n Robert, MD SURGERY for Colorectal Cancer "I look after two of my grandsons, Joseph and Jessie, and one of my great-grandsons, Taten, and they keep me busy," Sass says. "When I started having trouble with my bowel movements last summer, I knew I had to take care of my own health." Sass saw John Robert, MD, FACS, a general surgeon at HRMC Physicians Clinic, for a colonoscopy in September 2013. Dr. Robert discovered a large, cancerous tumor. He started Sass on a course of radiation and chemotherapy to try to shrink the tumor and preserve as much of her colon as possible. After two months of treatment, the tumor had grown and Sass was experiencing abdominal pain. So, Dr. Robert removed most of her colon and performed a colostomy in December 2013. "A colostomy is a life-changing procedure," says Sass' primary care physician Akash Taggarse, MD, an internist and gerontologist with Tschetter & Hohm Clinic. "Betty's tumor is gone, but she no longer has bowel movements. Instead, she has to carry an ostomy bag, which takes some getting used to."

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