Huron Regional Medical Center

Fall 2014

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+ + inthisissue From the CEO: Planning for 2 Continuous Change Capturing Life in 4-D 3 Say "Shoo" to Colds and Flu 4 Home Health Services You Can Trust 5 + + continued on page 2 A PUBLICATION FROM YOUR FRIENDS AT HURON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Fall • 2014 Bladder leakage – called urinary incontinence – affects millions of women. Both surgical and nonsurgical treatments are available to help eliminate symptoms. Help Is Here for Urinary Incontinence One in three women will experience urinary incontinence (UI) in their lifetime, with up to 15 million U.S. women experiencing stress UI – incontinence that occurs while coughing, sneezing or otherwise putting pressure on the bladder. Starting Small, Thinking Big "As an osteopathic physician, I take a holistic approach to medicine and look to improve overall health when I treat any condition," says Sara Castellanos, DO, OB/GYN with Women's Wellness Center. "One of the easiest ways to take pressure off the bladder is to improve general wellness and lose excess weight. A healthy body weight can have a huge impact on bladder leakage." Dr. Castellanos also suggests strengthening exercises to train the muscles of the pelvic floor. She may recommend Kegel exercises that alternate tightening and relaxing the muscles that control urine flow. In some cases, she has women use InTone, a biofeedback device that helps them learn exactly which muscles to flex and tone. Monitoring fluid intake is also important – too little water can lead to dehydration and irritation of the bladder, but too much can make UI worse. Sa ra Castella nos, DO

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