Huron Regional Medical Center

Fall 2015

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+ + + + continued on page 2 A PUBLICATION FROM YOUR FRIENDS AT HURON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Fall • 2015 PREPARING PARENTS to Care for Baby Beyond Delivery inthisissue From the CEO: Neighbors Helping Neighbors 2 Centering on Pregnancy 3 Getting BIG and Staying LOUD 3 Synthetic Skin, Real Healing 4 Getting His Legs Back 5 Huron Regional Medical Center offers a full spectrum of services to guide new parents and help new babies get a great start. The first months of your baby's life can be filled with surprise, wonder ... and a lot of questions! What happens after you leave the hospital? Are you are doing everything right? The answers are not always black and white. At HRMC, we've delivered a lot of babies. Here are some of the special programs we offer to help parents figure it all out. Baby Won't Stop Crying? Don't Be Blue During the first year of a baby's life, constant crying is common. It may simply signal that your child is developing normally. To help parents gain a better understanding of this period, HRMC has partnered with a nationwide initiative to reduce shaken baby syndrome called The Period of Purple Crying ® ( The acronym PURPLE is meant to reduce parents' frustration by helping them understand why their babies cry: • Peak of crying – The first several months of life are often marked by long periods of crying. Your baby may cry the most during the second month and less during the third through fifth months. • Unexpected – Constant crying may occur randomly and often without a visible cause. • Resists soothing – Your baby's crying may be inconsolable. • Pain-like face – Unhappy facial expressions may not always indicate that your baby is uncomfortable. • Long lasting – Periods of crying may last for up to five hours a day. • Evening – Crying is most common later in the day during the afternoons and evenings. "The purpose of this program is to help parents recognize that crying is a normal part of a newborn's development," says Dawn Johnson, RN, registered nurse with HRMC. "By offering this education, we hope to help encourage and support parents during the first months of their babies' lives."

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