MDNews - Long Island

December 2015

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"I came to Winthrop because treating pancreatic cancer absolutely requires a collaborative, team approach." Dr. John D. Allendorf is head of Winthrop's Pancreatic Cancer Program and Vice Chairman of the Department of Surgery. He joined Winthrop from the largest university hospital in New York City. A renowned pancreatic surgeon and innovator in robotic surgery, Dr. Allendorf and his team are giving new hope to pancreatic cancer patients. First Street, Mineola, New York • ..WINTHROP • A Better Kind of Cancer Care "What's important is to have a group of specialists that are expert in their respective ‡elds and dedicated to a common problem. Physicians, nurses and other providers who work well together in an institution that encourages teamwork. Here at Winthrop we have six to eight physicians from di‹erent specialties all focused on each individual cancer patient. That is uncommon across the country and unique on Long Island. "I really believe that at Winthrop-University Hospital, we're delivering a better kind of cancer care."

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