MDNews - Cleveland-Akron-Canton

May/June 2012

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Contents MAY-JUNE 2012 ON THE COVER Advancing Heart Care at Aultman Hospital PAGE 12 IN YOUR AREA: FEATURES ADVANCING HEART CARE 12 Aultman Heart Center's survival rates for coronary care, coronary interventions and heart surgery are among the best in the nation according to HealthGrades. And no one could be more pleased about that than Drs. Roberto Novoa and Giovanni Ciuffo and the rest of the Heart Center's team. UH OPENS NEW JOINT REPLACEMENT CENTER 19 A $3 million dollar dedicated Joint Replacement Center will soon open at University Hospitals Case Medical Center. Read all about it. TORS: INNOVATIVE SURGERY FOR THE HEAD AND NECK 28 Transoral robotic surgery (TORS) is the newest minimally invasive option for benign and select malignant tumors of the pharynx and larynx. And it's available at University Hospitals Case Medical Center. DEPARTMENTS LOCAL DOCS IN NATIONAL NEWS 8 RECENT RESEARCH 32 BUSINESS SECTION 34 HOSPITAL ROUNDS 44 SPECIAL SECTION ORTHOPAEDICS 24 ON THE COVER Roberto Novoa, MD, medical director, Cardiothoracic Surgery, and Giovanni Ciuffo, MD, director, Minimally Invasive and Bloodless Heart Surgery, at Aultman Hospital

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