B+A Greater Boston

August 2016

Issue link: http://viewer.e-digitaledition.com/i/717441

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Amazing!!! 30 "D Size" Color Drawings per Minute PageWide Technology consists of 200,000+ nozzles on a stationary pagewide bar enabling breakthrough printing speeds. • Print up to 30 D/A1 pages/min - the fastest print speed in the market, even versus LED* • Stacker/online folder,* up to 6 rolls, dual ink supplies, auto-switch * Details available upon request. PROVIDING THE BEST SOLUTIONS FOR ALL YOUR DOCUMENT NEEDS HP PAGEWIDE XL 8000 40" CALL OR EMAIL TODAY TO LEARN MORE. THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING! HP DESIGNJET T 2530 PS CALL TODAY FOR SPECIAL PROMOTIONAL PRICING! CS 2551ci CALL TODAY FOR SPECIAL PROMOTIONAL PRICING! WIDE-FORMAT HIGH-SPEED PRODUCTION COLOR PRINTS EFFICIENT AND RELIABLE OFFICE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS WIDE-FORMAT PRODUCTIVITY AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE Print-Copy-Scan in Color Only 21 seconds per Print! Very Cost Effi cient! • 36" print width • Super-Fast: 21 seconds per A1 Page • Up to 2400 x 1200 DPI • Up to 600 DPI Integrated Scanner • Built-in Media Stacker stacks up to 50 prints • Effortless roll loading • Capable of printing from you Apple or Android smartphones and tablets (ask for details) • Low-Cost Printing: Print color line drawings for less than 7 cents per square foot including paper (Ink Coverage and media type may increase cost - ask for details) Power and Performance The CS 2551ci packs exceptional and intuitive functionality into a multifunctional system that is simple to operate and highly cost-effective. This system provides solutions to day-to-day document imaging and workfl ow requirements. Features such as bright business color and fi nishing options add impact and reduce outsourcing. • Print- Copy-Scan up to 11" x 17" IN FULL AWESOME COLOR! • Speed: 25 ppm (Color or B/W) • Paper capacity: up to 4,100 sheets • Up to 11" x 17" • Amazing quality, highly effi cient New England's Wide Format Specialists Since 1980 Call or e-mail TOPAZ today 800.255.8012 • sales@topazeng.com www.topazeng.com • TOPAZ Engineering Supply, Inc. • 35 Pond Park Road, Hingham, MA Features and specifications listed in this ad are only a partial representation. Please call or email for full details and specifications. QUALITY PRODUCTS • ECONOMICAL PRICING • OUTSTANDING SERVICE! CALL NEW NEW TOP SELLER

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