MDNews - Cleveland-Akron-Canton

January/February 2017

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Learn Why Hundreds Of Healthcare Organizations TRUST CBIZ To Meet Their Needs Tell Us How We Can Assist Your Organization FRED LUECKE | Healthcare Practice Leader 330.670.7223 | Consulting | Business Strategy | Accounting & Tax | Mergers & Acquisitions | Transaction Advisory Learn Why Hundreds Of Healthcare Organizations TRUST CBIZ To Meet NEW AACI PRESIDENT STANTON GERSON Aims to Integrate Cancer Treatment Advances into the Community S TA N T O N L . G E R S O N , MD, recently became the new president of the Association of American Cancer Institutes during A ACI's annual meeting in Chicago, held October 23–25. Dr. Gerson is the Asa a nd Patricia Shiverick – Jane Shiverick (Tripp) Professor of Hematological Oncolog y, Ca se Wester n R eser ve Un iversit y School of Medici ne, di rector of t he Nationa l C a n c e r I n s t i t u t e ( N C I ) -D e s i g n a t e d C a s e Comprehensive Ca ncer Center, in Clevela nd, OH, founding director of the Nationa l Center for Regenerative Medicine, a nd Disting uished Universit y Professor at Case Western Reser ve Un iversit y. He is a lso d i rector of Un iversit y H o s p i t a l s S e i d m a n C a n c e r C e n t e r i n Clevela nd a nd a member of t he NCI Boa rd of Scientif ic Advisors. At the annual meeting, co-hosted by the Cancer C ent er A d m i n i s t r at or s For u m , D r. G er son launched his two-year term with a presentation outlining plans for his presidentia l initiative, which will address a major objective of the Obama Administration's Cancer Moonshot initiative: Promoting collaborations with researchers, doctors and patients to improve patient outcomes and health care value in the community. ■ 1 3 M D N E W S .C O M /// M D N E W S C L E V E L A N D /A K R O N / C A N T O N ■ J A N U A R Y/ F E B R U A R Y 2 017

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