Sports Insight

July / August 2017

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32 • Sports Insight ~ July/August 2017 In what ways would you like to see retailers use more smartphone features to enhance the in-store shopping experience? More In-Store Technology is Not the Answer When it comes to shopping in retail stores, what inspires you to shop in an actual physical store instead of online? Ability to easily try on clothes and personalized recommendations Unique promotions available in-store only ALTHOUGH SMARTPHONE USE IN BRICK- and-mortar stores is common, technology is secondary to the opportunity to experience the merchandise firsthand and to personally interact with sales associates. More than half of respondents said they shopped in stores because they could try on clothes and get personalized recommendations. Both genders appreciate in-store-only promotions. Survey respondents are open to enhancing their in-store experience through smartphone engagement. The preferred methods for incorporating smartphones in the store experience are deal alerts, using the smartphone to save product information for later, and the ability to ask a store associate for help (one-quarter of all respondents). In short, many shoppers indicate they want to use their smartphones to learn more about products and incentives. This is a consistent theme in the survey responses, one that successful retailers will take to heart. O 55% 40% 26% 65% 47% 36% 40% 31% 23% 40% 40% 24% Provide the store's best deals/sales for maximum savings Allow me to quickly access my loyalty program information in-store Allow me to remember products I see that I like for later purchase Allow me to request the attention of a store associate Source: RETAIL TECH " More than 3,000 miles and 200 nights trekking across 18 states on WKH$SSDODFKLDQDQG$PHULFDQ'LVFRYHU\7UDLOVZLWKRXWȴQGLQJDVLQJOH tick on me. Are my Insect Shield products tested and proven? Check. " 7UDLOVZLWKRXWȴQGLQJDVLQJOH tested and pro rove ven? n? Che heck ck. - Logan McCulloch Lyme survior & awareness advocate Look for Insect Shield products from these trusted brands Tested & Proven

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