MDNews - Long Island

August 2017

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FE ATURES NEUROSURGEON DONALD KRIEFF, DO, FACOS, AT NSPC BRINGS A CONSERVATIVE, PATIENT- CENTERED APPROACH TO THE TREATMENT OF DISK HERNIATIONS 06 Dr. Krie, a board-certified neurosurgeon at Neurologica l Surgery P.C., uses a patient-first, details-oriented approach. SQUARING PEACE OF MIND WITH FACTS ABOUT DOUBLE MASTECTOMY 18 Double mastectomy is relatively common among women with unilatera l breast cancer even when it likely won't leng then surviva l. WHEN TESTS COLLIDE: PERSPECTIVES ON LIQUID VS. TISSUE BIOPSIES 26 Divergent research findings have fueled questions about the comparative benefits of liquid and tissue biopsies. SPECIAL CLINICAL SECTION: PEDIATRICS IS THE OFFICE-BASED PEDIATRICIAN LIABLE FOR PEDIATRIC OBESITY? 20 Pediatricians should keep well documented patient records for years to provide the clinician the best defense if a lawsuit should arise. 06 contents ON THE COVER /////// AUGUST 2017 A BREATH OF FOUL AIR: POLLUTION AND PEDIATRIC DIABETES RISK 21 Certain children may face a higher likelihood of developing Type 2 diabetes if they live in areas with heavy air pollution, a study suggests. MEETING THE CHALLENGE OF TRANSITIONING DIABETIC YOUNG PEOPLE TO ADULT CARE 22 Researchers have developed a cost-eective model to move teens and young adults with Type 1 diabetes to adult-care providers. DEPARTMENTS FINANCE 12 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS 14 MEDICAL LEGISLATION 16 LOCAL NEWS 28 UPCOMING CME EVENTS 30 18 22

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