Textile Insight

May / June 2018

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Executive Editor Mark Sullivan msullivan@formula4media.com 646-319-7878 Editor /Associate Publisher Emily Walzer emilywalzer@sbcglobal.net Managing Editor Cara Griffin Art Director Francis Klaess Associate Art Director Mary McGann Contributing Editors Suzanne Blecher Kurt Gray Jennifer Ernst Beaudry Kathlyn Swantko Publisher Jeff Nott jnott@formula4media.com 516-305-4711 Production Brandon Christie 516 305-4710 bchristie@formula4media.com Business Manager Marianna Rukhvarger 516-305-4709 mrukhvarger@formula4media.com Advertising Jeff Gruenhut jgruenhut@formula4media.com 404-467-9980 Christina Henderson 516-305-4712 chenderson@formula4media.com Troy Leonard tleonard@formula4media.com 352-624-1561 Katie O'Donohue kodonohue@formula4media.com 828-244-3043 Sam Selvaggio sselvaggio@formula4media.com 212-398-5021 Subscriptions: store.formula4media.com One year, $24.00 (U.S. Funds) in the United States. All other countries, $54.00 (U.S. Funds). Formula4 Media Publications Sports Insight SportsInsightExtra Outdoor Insight Footwear Insight Team Insight Textile Insight Running Insight Trend Insight sportstyle PO Box 23-1318, Great Neck , NY 11023 Phone: 516-305-4710 Fax: 516-441-5692 www.formula4media.com Textile Insight ® is a registered trademark of Formula4 Media, LLC. ©2018 All rights reserved. The opinions expressed by authors and contributors to Textile Insight are not necessarily those of the editors or publishers. Textile Insight is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or artwork. Articles appearing in Textile Insight may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of the publisher. Textile Insight is published bi-monthly: Jan/Feb; Mar/Apr; May/Jun; Jul/ Aug; Sep/Oct; and Nov/Dec. Postmaster: Send address changes to Textile Insight, P.O. Box 23-1318 Great Neck, NY 11023 textileinsight.com TEXTILE INSIGHT ® O6 / In the Market Reports from Munich, Washington, DC and Charlotte, NC provide the latest on smart fabrics, functional synthetics and market trends. Plus: charting top apparel brands' sales. 16 / Footwear Brands that are balancing their performance stories with contemporary easy-wear style are moving the athleisure marketplace forward. Here are five strong examples. 18 / Supply Chain Sourcing execs are evaluating strategies and re-examining supplier relations to keep pace with rapid change along the supply chain. Our report provides an update. 20 / In the Studio Consumers are waking up to the positive benefits of sleep as the wellness trend gains momentum. We profile two firms exploring the performance sleep frontier. 22 / Cover Story Execs discuss technologies fit for modern performance as sport and style continue to converge and explain how their brands communicate these features direct to consumers. 28 / Survey This installment of Trend Insight Consumer delivers research on how tech and fashion impact user purchasing decisions with feedback conducted on MESH1's Insight Platform. 32 / Functional Fabric Fair Germany's Performance Days crosses the Atlantic to New York City this summer as the Functional Fabric Fair. Here's what you need to know about this new trade event. 38 / Strategies From in-house initiatives to conscious consultancies firms are seeking new ways to achieve sustainability goals. Contributor Suzanne Blecher examines this trend. 40 / Education Silk fiber, a luxury fiber in the 4th millennium BC, is now becoming high-tech. Kathy Swantko reports on the latest research. 41/ TrendSetter Veil Intimates was born when two friends shopping at a lingerie store were frustrated by the selection. Find out the innovation that came as a result of that experience. 42/ Out of Context Contemplating the future of American made sewn goods, Kurt Gray envisions an industry of interdependence shaped by the individuals who do the work – the stitchers. May/June 2018 Jambu Cheyenne Vegan Slip On, see page 39.

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