Outdoor Insight

August 2018

Issue link: https://viewer.e-digitaledition.com/i/1004249

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EastmanAvra.com MF-7283 7/18 Eastman Avra makes moisture evaporate in the blink of an eye, so you always operate at peak comfort. It's a breakthrough fiber innovation you have to feel to believe. C O O L T O T H E T O U C H U P T O 5 0 % FA S T E R W I C K I N G * D R I E S U P T O 5 0 % FA S T E R * S U P E R I O R C O M F O RT, S O F T H A N D , A N D S I L K Y D R A P E *Based on third-party lab testing of fabrics containing Avra ™ performance fibers against the fabrics of the best-selling baselayer garments of 2015. © 2018 Eastman. Eastman brands referenced herein are trademarks of Eastman or one of its subsidiaries. The ® symbol denotes registered trademark status in the U.S.; marks may also be registered internationally.

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