B+A Greater Boston

August 2018

Issue link: https://viewer.e-digitaledition.com/i/1021322

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800.543.5403 | www.HornerMillwork.com | Showrooms in Somerset, Southboro and Pembroke, MA | The MODERN FARMHOUSE style perfectly illustrates the synergy that can be achieved by combining classic American architecture with the sleek contemporary accents of urban living. This traditional Heritage Series door from Masonite with 4-lite SDL clear glass combines crisp, clean lines inspired by classic craftsman architecture with the proven durability of fiberglass in a modern, Tricorn Black finish. Ask us about prefinishing. WINDOWS | DOORS | KITCHENS | STAIRS | MOULDINGS | CUSTOM MILLWORK ON TREND: MODERN FARMHOUSE EXPLORE MORE STYLES AND TRENDS ONLINE AT HORNERMILLWORK.COM

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