MDNews - Central New York

January/February 2020

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© 2019 St. Joseph's Health. © 2019 Trinity Health. All rights reserved. A H I G H E R L E V E L O F C A R E | visit Our Structural Heart Team is made up of medical and interventional cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, anesthesiologists, perfusionists and nurses who work in sync to evaluate patients, tailor treatment plans and coordinate procedures. It's a more fluid, effective approach that lowers costs, reduces readmissions and results in the best possible outcomes for your patients. Because when it comes to your patients, EVERY BEAT MATTERS. W H E N I T C O M E S T O Y O U R PAT I E N T ' S H E A R T, T H E R I G H T P E O P L E C A N C H A N G E E V E R Y T H I N G .

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