MDNews - Central New York

March/April 2020

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© 2020 St. Joseph's Health. © 2020 Trinity Health. All rights reserved. A H I G H E R L E V E L O F C A R E | visit When Megan was diagnosed with breast cancer, she felt a lot of things: but helpless wasn't one of them. Her St. Joseph's Health care team worked diligently to offer all available options as well as compassionate guidance that empowered her to make the best decisions for herself and her body. From presenting all available treatment options to offering personalized support systems every step of the way, our doctors and nurses are proud to serve and treat inspirational women like Megan every single day. " I D O N ' T P L A N O N D O I N G T H I S A G A I N ." Megan M. St. Joseph's Health patient

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