MDNews - Central New York

July/August 2020

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DEAR COLLEAGUE We are grateful for the support of our medical community. Our deepest thanks go to all who are doing everything possible to care for patients at this time. At Upstate University Hospital and at all our clinical locations, we have taken steps to protect your patients when they need care. For most services we offer telemedicine visits and, for patients who come to our locations, we've made additional changes to keep them safe. As a public trust, our mission has never felt more vital — to improve the health of the communities we serve through education, research and patient care. In this time of change, one thing remains the same: our commitment to work collaboratively with colleagues across the region to keep our community resilient and strong. TOGETHER, IN GOOD HEALTH, WE THANK YOU. WWW.UPSTATE.EDU Upstate University Hospital and Upstate Community Hospital are the anchor for the clinical system.

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