MDNews - Central New York

January/February 2021

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At St. Joseph's Health, we've watched these past months bring out the best in our community of physicians and medical professionals. And we continue to work each day to keep everyone healthy as we emerge from this crisis. Here are some of the measures we've got in place to deliver a higher level of safety and care. © 2021 St. Joseph's Health. © 2021 Trinity Health. All rights reserved. A H I G H E R L E V E L O F C A R E | Screening We've got temperature and symptom screening for everyone who enters our facilities. Required Masking We've got masks, and we require that staff and visitors wear them at all times. Separate Staff We've got separate staff to treat patients in each zone — so you won't be treated by doctors and nurses who are treating patients with COVID-19. Enhanced Cleaning We've got increased frequency and intensity of cleaning — using robust disinfecting processes. COVID-Free Zones We've got COVID-Free Zones in many of our facilities where we provide care only for people known to not have COVID-19 or COVID-19 symptoms. We've Got What it Takes to Keep CNY Safe.

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