MDNews - Central New York

March/April 2021

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PICTURED: UPSTATE HEART SURGEONS DR. G. RANDALL GREEN AND DR. STEPHEN WATERFORD. If your patient has persistent atrial brillation, Upstate now oers total thoracoscopic Maze (TT Maze) procedure to re-establish sinus rhythm. The surgery uses only four small incisions to creates a new pathway (or "maze") within the atria to redirect the heart's electrical impulses. The minimally invasive procedure is best for patients who have long-standing AFib or who did not succeed with one or more catheter ablations. In addition to treating atrial brillation, the procedure reduces the patient's risk for stroke. Other innovative treatments at Upstate include: the complete Maze procedure; total thoracoscopic left atrial appendage ligation; and catheter ablation, alone or as part of a hybrid procedure. To learn if your patient is a candidate for minimally invasive surgery for AFib, please call Dr. Stephen Waterford at 315-500-AFIB. * LEARN MORE: WWW.UPSTATE.EDU / HEART NEW OPTIONS FOR YOUR AFIB PATIENTS

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