MDNews - Central New York

September/October 2021

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LEARN MORE: WWW.UPSTATE.ED U / TRANSPLANT FOR TRANSPLANT MEET YOUR NEW SURGERY TEAM PICTURED: UPSTATE TRANSPLANT SURGEONS MATTHEW HANLON, REZA SAIDI AND RAUF SHAHBAZOV If you're considering kidney or pancreas transplantation for your patient, consider the Upstate Transplant team. We are committed to providing a timely work up — ideally in one visit — and keeping our referring physicians in the loop every step of the way. More than half of our kidney patients have been transplanted within two years of listing, and our program shows good outcomes for the past ve years. Our accessible Syracuse location is an added benet, and patients in Central New York are closer to home. Our dedicated team oers hope for an improved quality of life for patients with end-stage renal disease. We have an active pancreas program for patients with diabetes. Upstate also offers a live kidney donor transplant program, and is the region's only approved pediatric transplant program. TO REFER A PATIENT, PLEASE CALL 3154645413.

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