MDNews - Central Pennsylvania

Issue 2 2021

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Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility with Hershey Medical Center: How a Team of Experts Delivers Specialized, Attainable Fertility Care BY ROBIN OVERBAY FROM RESE ARCH AND INNOVATION TO COMPREHENSIVE REPRODUCTIVE HE AlTH CARE AND BUNDlED PRICING, THE DIVISION OF REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOlOGy AND INFERTIlIT y (REI) WITH PENN STATE HE AlTH MIlTON S. HERSHE y MEDICAl CENTER IS IMPROVING ACCESS TO HIGH-QUAlIT y CARE WHIlE CONTAINING TRE ATMENT COSTS. HOUSED IN A leading academic hospi- tal center, the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (REI) with Penn State Hea lth Milton S. Hershey Medical Center collaborates with a broad range of specialists. This multidisciplinary, academic approach allows them to take on some of the most challenging and complex reproductive and fertility cases. Their research program also affords earlier access to innovative treatments, broadening their scope and ability to stay at the forefront of modern medicine. Several established fertility treatments were studied in clinical trials at Hershey Medical Center prior to their approved use today. COMPREHENSIVE REI CARE "Our ability to provide comprehensive reproductive healthcare services allows us to meet the needs of a wide range of patients," says Samantha F. Butts, MD, MSCE, professor of obstetrics and gyne- colog y and chief of the Division of REI with Hershey Medical Center. "We treat couples with infertility, women of advanced maternal age wishing to conceive, patients wanting to preserve fertility due to per- sona l or medica l reasons (i.e., cancer), women with fibroids or endometriosis with debilitating symptoms, and LBGTQ patients who wish to start a family." MAKING TREATMENTS ACCESSIBLE AND AFFORDABLE Understa nding the f ina ncia l cha llenge surrounding fertility treatments for some patient s, t he R EI prog ra m tea m a lso wanted to improve access to these treat- ments by creating thoughtful, fixed-price bundles for those who may not be able to afford treatments otherwise due to lack of insurance coverage. The pricing bundles were desig ned to be inclusive of ma ny a spects of in-v itro fer ti lization (I V F) treatment including off ice visits, labs, ultrasounds and the IVF procedure itself. "Patients ca n expect high-level ca re a long with conta inment of some of the IVF treatment costs," Dr. Butts says. " We see ma king treatments ava ilable to a ll patients by managing the treatment cost as the just and appropriate thing to do." The Div ision of R EI is rising to the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pan- demic by implementing protocols for patient safety and initiating telemedicine visits, which a lso improve access to care for patients who have difficulty traveling or simply prefer the comfort of home. Dr. Butts urges referring providers to recommend their patients seek a ssis- tance for infertility as early as possible during their fer tilit y journey. Hershey Medica l Center is ma king this ea sier than ever by ma king high-qua lity care, advanced procedures, telemedicine and conscientious bundle packages available to a ll. n For more information on the Division of REI with Hershey Medical Center, please visit infertility or call 717-531-3503. REI Services at Hershey Medical Center THE DI V ISION OF Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility with Hershey Medical Center offers a wide array of services, including but not limited to: + Fertility treatments + Artificial insemination + Fertility preservation options including freezing eggs, sperm or embryos for future use + In vitro fertilization (IVF), including donor egg IVF + Ovulation induction + Preimplantation genetic testing + Surgical treatments, including robotic and minimally invasive surgery + Congenital disorders of the reproductive tract + Fibroids + Endometriosis + Ovarian cysts + Hormonal conditions + Amenorrhea + Early menopause + Polycystic ovary syndrome 1 4

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