Textile Insight


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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% It's functional and environmentally responsible It's stylish and recyclable It's the right thing to do It makes me feel good It was on sale It fits my eco-lifestyle It's cool My Gen Z family member made me buy it What's the biggest stumbling block to buying sustainable apparel or footwear? 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% I have no stumbling block It costs more I am skeptical of the sustainability claims made by the brands The materials used are not as comfortable It's not high-tech ■ 2021 ■ 2022 ■ 2023 ■ 2024 ■ 2021 ■ 2022 ■ 2023 ■ 2024 What motivates you to purchase eco-friendly apparel or footwear? In our latest Trend Insight survey, we asked 336 male and female adult consumers about their eco-minded shopping habits. We've been tracking their responses over the past few years to see if their opinions have changed. We do see some upward trends in their responses when asked about what motivates their eco-friendly purchases: "It's cool." "It fits my eco-lifestyle." "It's stylish and recyclable." Biggest stumbling block? "It costs more," though that seems to be trending down, while "I have no stumbling block" is trending up. Of those surveyed, 76% say that they are more eco-minded when purchasing their apparel and footwear. What actions have they taken? 73% donate their used clothing and footwear. An almost equal percentage (47%) also responded that they buy clothing and footwear made with natural fibers, repair worn items, participate in take-back programs and/or have reduced their overall consumption. Would consumers be more likely to purchase footwear and apparel from a retail store that has a "take-back" program? Of those surveyed, 80% said yes. e majority would expect to receive a credit towards a new purchase. When it involves shopping online, 78% give some consideration to the added packaging and delivery aspects while 23% give strong consideration. And what's the no. 1 textile related concern? Microplastic ocean pollution. is survey conducted by MESH01 included 336 respondents, men and women who are active. Trend Insight is a feature within Textile Insight that delivers research conducted on the MESH01 Platform. MESH01 collects data from a select panel of active and outdoor enthusiasts. What's On The "Eco" Minds of Consumers? S E I Z E T H E T R E N D ! CARPE TRENDEM 34 • Textile Insight ~ Spring 2024 textileinsight.com TREND INSIGHT

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