MDNews - Long Island

July 2014

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"We give patients the opportunity to get the very best cancer care right in their own backyards." Dr. Jeffrey Schneider has an Ivy League medical education and was an attending physician at a leading New York City cancer center. His commitment to lung cancer patients led him to help create the first formal lung cancer screening program on Long Island and to take the lead in a number of breakthrough clinical trials in lung cancer that are achieving remarkable early results. 259 First Street, Mineola, New York 11501 • 1.866.WINTHROP • A Better Kind of Cancer Care "The patients clearly come first here at Winthrop. We were first on Long Island to incorporate a Cancer Navigator for each of the major cancer types to work with patients and their families. No matter what anyone says, no cancer center has everything, but I can say with complete confidence that cancer patients who come to Winthrop are denied nothing. "Sometimes after a treatment a patient won't feel well and may need to return to the hospital. It's a big advantage to be right nearby. I'm proud to be here at Winthrop because I believe that we are offering a better kind of cancer care, closer to home."

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