MDNews - Cleveland-Akron-Canton

September/October 2015

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Our pediatric surgery division excels in one thing – kids. From specially trained pediatric surgeons, nurses and anesthesiologists, to specially designed surgical equipment suited to the size of each child, we offer every patient the expert care that made us the number one pediatric surgery provider in Northeast Ohio. For more information, referring physicians can call 330-543-6060. a k r o n c h i l d r e n s . o r g More pediatric surgeries than any provider in Northeast Ohio. • Akron Children's is the largest pediatric healthcare provider in Northeast Ohio and the 10th largest in the nation. • We perform more than 15,000 pediatric surgical procedures each year at our campuses in Akron and Boardman. • Our surgeons offer expertise in all aspects of pediatric surgery, from tonsillectomies to neurosurgery.

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