Huron Regional Medical Center

Fall 2015

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Getting BIG and Staying LOUD New therapies for patients with Parkinson's disease can improve limb movement and quality of life. As Parkinson's disease progresses, control of body movements can become more difficult. The good news is that exercise and physical and occupational therapy can help. Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) BIG ® therapy is now available at Huron Regional Medical Center. Held four times a week for a month, BIG sessions encourage those with Parkinson's to move big and wide. By practicing movements patients use in their daily lives, BIG therapy has been shown to improve: • balance • quality of life • multitasking • reaction times Taught by certified HRMC physical and occupational therapists, BIG therapy provides an excellent addition to a Parkinson's treatment plan. A Strong Voice Deteriorating vocal skills are also common in Parkinson's disease. Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) LOUD ® improves both voice and speech by treating the underlying pathology associated with the disordered voice. Treatment focuses on improving vocal loudness and immediate carryover into daily communication, enabling individuals Designed to bring women who have similar due dates together in a provider-led group, the CenteringPregnancy plan offers opportunities for pregnant women and new moms to receive tailored prenatal care that includes health assessments and education. Additionally, CenteringPregnancy offers strong support for the women in each group, who discuss everything from pregnancy and birth to breast-feeding and stress management. The Women's Wellness Center is one of only three South Dakota sites to receive site approval credentialing for this nationally recognized model of care. Studies show that Centering care increases breast-feeding rates and duration of breast-feeding. Patient and provider satisfaction are also higher than with traditional care. "Centering has been a great prenatal care option for many of our moms," says Sara Castellanos, DO, FACOG, a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologic surgeon with the Women's Wellness Center. "While some moms prefer traditional prenatal care, those who experience Centering appreciate the lasting bonds they create with other moms." More than 500,000 babies are born prematurely in the United States each year, creating an estimated annual cost to society of $26 billion. A 2007 trial found that participation in CenteringPregnancy reduced the risk of premature birth by 33 percent. Researchers concluded CenteringPregnancy care "resulted in equal or improved perinatal outcomes at no added cost." For more information on CenteringPregnancy, contact Dr. Castellanos at Centering on Pregnancy To enhance the experience of moms-to-be, the Women's Wellness Center in Huron offers CenteringPregnancy ® . in each group, who discuss everything from pregnancy and birth to breast-feeding and stress management. The Women's Wellness Center is one of only three South Dakota sites to receive site approval credentialing for this nationally recognized model of care. increases breast-feeding rates and prenatal care option for many of our Sa ra Castella nos, DO HRMC physical, occupational and speech language therapy staff are now certified in LSVT BIG and LOUD therapies. Front row from left: Saren Kahre, PTA, and Kris Gohn, SLP. Back row from left Marie Langbehn, OT, Susan Fuerst, PT, and Katie Nohr, COTA. to maintain and/or improve their oral communication. HRMC's speech language pathologist, Kris Gohn, MA, CCC-SLP, has used LSVT LOUD for more than 10 years. For more information or a referral to LSVT programs at HRMC, talk to your healthcare provider or call (605) 353-6253. w w w. h u r o n r e g i o n a l . o r g welloneconnection 3

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