MDNews - Central New York

January/February 2015

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M D N E W S . C O M /// M D N E W S C EN T R A L N E W YO R K ■ 2 016 2 4 CARING FOR PATIENTS. SEARCHING FOR CURES. SAVING LIVES. PRECISION TREATMENT. QUICK ACCESS. When your patient needs liver, gallbladder or pancreatic surgery, the most advanced surgical options are available at the Upstate Cancer Center. Both Dilip Kittur, MD, and Ajay Jain, MD, are highly credentialed and both have trained in the Johns Hopkins University hospital system. Together, they lead the only multi- disciplinary liver and pancreas program in the Central New York region. MORE INFORMATION CALL 315.464.6297 OR VISIT UPSTATE.EDU/HPB DILIP KITTUR, MD, AND AJAY JAIN, MD, LEAD UPSTATE'S COMPREHENSIVE LIVER AND PANCREAS SURGERY PROGRAM, WHICH INCLUDES A NURSE PRACTITIONER, NURSE NAVIGATOR AND ONCOLOGY CERTIFIED NURSES.

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