St. Dominic Hospital

Winter 2017

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Vol. 4, No. 1. Yes Ma'am is published four times a year in January, April, July and October by St. Dominic – Jackson Memorial Hospital. 969 Lakeland Drive, Jackson, MS 39216. THANK YOU FOR MAKING US YOUR PARTNER IN GOOD HEALTH. Questions or comments? Contact the editor at what's inside ON THE COVER: Alejandra Mamud (left) and Cristina Lazzari of La Brioche Winter 2017 CONTRIBUTORS 4 LOOK GOT STRESS? TRY YOGA | 4 5 LIVE ARE YOU RAISING OR LOWERING YOUR RISK? | 5 THANK YOU FOR BEING A FRIEND | 6 ASK BILL | 7 SMART NOURISHMENT | 8 KEY INGREDIENTS FOR HEART HEALTH | 10 12 LOCAL A PASSION FOR PASTRY | 12 CALENDAR | 15 DO YOU EMBRACE CHANGE OR HIDE FROM IT? STEPHANIE EDITOR Flexibility by definition means EASILY modifying, bending or at least having the willingness to compromise your position or shape. It is hard to have a totally open mind and remain flexible, or to have a "go with the flow" attitude. I personally do not embrace change as a friend but rather keep it at arm's length for as long as possible. It is only with faith that I can step out into a changing circumstance and trust that I will be OK. MAGGIE EDITOR Without change, life would get pretty boring. While change can be difficult and is often looked at with skepticism, change helps you to learn more about yourself and propels you forward. I have always viewed change negatively because I am a creature of habit, but many of the good things in my life occurred because I decided to make a change. Change offered me new opportunities and a chance to grow by leading me out of my comfort zone. JULIA MORGAN EDITOR I am usually pretty laid-back about things, but this doesn't mean that I always enjoy change. Whenever I let my environment or changes within my environment affect my happiness, that is when I have struggled the most. It is comforting to know if you depend on the stable things to get through changes or struggles, then no matter what life throws at you, you will make it through and become a stronger person while doing it. s t d o m .c o m

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