Sacred Heart - Inspiring Health

January/February 2013

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the COld Breeze OutsIde, the Central heatInG InsIde, enGIne heat BlOwInG IntO YOur Car���wInter COndItIOns keep huMIdItY lOw, sIMultaneOuslY resultInG In BeautIFul Clear daYs and CraCklY skIn. dRy skin CaRe should be more complex than just grabbing moisturizer whenever a little skin flakiness appears. It is important to make good skin decisions and avoid common skin mistakes. ���People need to get on top of moisturizing as soon as the weather starts getting colder instead of waiting until their skin starts to look bad,��� says Jackie Tatroe, RN at the Center for Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine at St. Joseph���s Hospital. ���Since the skin is an organ, it needs attention and care, because once it becomes damaged, returning it to its normal state can be very difficult.��� save Your skIn ���If your skin does become dry and cracked, use petroleumbased moisturizers. These products stay on longer and don���t evaporate quickly,��� Tatroe says. ���People with more sensitive skin should avoid products with fragrances, dyes, or acid, because they can aggravate itching symptoms.��� If home treatment doesn���t heal cracks in dry skin, the damaged area can become infected and lead to more troublesome wounds. In these cases, a dermatologist or wound care specialist can provide more vigorous therapy. > if you think your dry skin might be at risk of infection, call the Center for Wound Care and hyperbaric Medicine at st. Joseph���s at 715.717.7657. It���s a wInter wOnderland Out there, and ChrIstOpher FeltOn, Md, FaCep, eMerGenCY MedICIne phYsICIan wIth InFInItY healthCare and saCred heart hOspItal, OFFers these tIps tO enjOY It saFelY. If You���re Ice fIshIng��� ���Keeping hands dry or drying them immediately after they get wet is important for ice fishers who want to avoid frostbite. Also, the ice itself can be a hazard, so fishers should test the depth with an auger to make sure the ice is at least two inches thick. If fishers do fall through, they should stay calm, hold onto their pole to keep from falling in completely, and creep back onto the ice on all fours in the same direction from which they came.��� If You���re snoWMobIlIng��� ���Let others know your intended route and time on the trail before heading out, and avoid excessive speeds. Carry a fully charged cell phone and a blanket in case the vehicle breaks down or you���re in an accident. If you come upon an accident and your cell phone doesn���t have a connection, leave your blanket with the stranded party and head home or to the nearest known place of business to send for help.��� no Matter What You���re DoIng��� ���The most common errors come from underestimating the effects of cold conditions. Appropriate head, foot, and hand gear is a must, because forgetting them can lead to blisters, muscle injuries, or even damaged blood vessels.��� > Before a winter emergency occurs, it���s best to know what to expect should a trip to the emergency department be necessary. visit or for information about our emergency department services. saC R ed h e a Rte au C l a i r e .o rg sac r ed h e a rte au c l a i R e .o Rg No Snow Days If You���re Going Out��� for Skin Care 3

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